Quilt Block Mania - October Science
Oct 05, 2021Science ...
Today is the first Tuesday of the month and that means it's time for Quilt Block Mania blog tour day - YAY!!
October 2021- This month's FREE quilt block theme is Science with beautiful earth tones for our colour way.
When thinking about a design for a science block... hummmm every design idea seemed to be complicated or intricate...
So I thought "how can I make it simple"?
Well... this is one of those blocks
Don't you just love blocks that go together quickly and yet still make very interesting quilts?
Although this is a 12 1/2" block, it would also make a great quilt for your science enthusiasts!
Simply make them in rows...
Switch up your colour length to create a unique to you quilt!
I can't wait to see it in the Quilting BEE!!
The block pattern is free on my site until the end of this month. Grab yours today by subscribing here.
Then come join us Live on Wednesday @1:30 in our BEE (that's our free private FB community) where together we'll go over everything Twirling Stars Block. Here you are also welcome to ask questions, share your fabric selections and your blocks... it's always so inspiring to see!
Join our BEE here https://www.facebook.com/groups/momandmequiltingbee
And… make sure to check out all the great creations for this months "Science" blocks designed by my Quilt Block Mania friends. Just click on the links below.
Rocket Ship Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Using Fibonacci in Quilts at Scrapdash
Microscope & Test Tubes by Appliques Quilts and More
Test Tubes FPP Block at Penny Spool Quilts
Benzene Ring from QuiltFabrication
Erlenmeyer flask at Patti's Patchwork
Fall Prism at Blue Bear Quilts
Atomic at Pretty Piney Quilts
Test Tubes by Mom and Me Quilting Co
Discovery by Inquiring Quilter
Molecules at Perkins Dry Goods
Gravity at Duck Creek Mountain Quilting
Don't miss a stitch!
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